Cea mai bună furnizor pentru 2 component de epoxid

Franța, Chooz
...). Echipamentele noastre adaptate: 1 cabină de 7000x4000x3000 pentru piese voluminoase - 1 altă cabină de 3000x3000x3000. Toate suporturile metalice sunt acceptate. Exemple de piese tratate: grinzi, structuri, piese de turnătorie, porți, feronerie din aluminiu etc. De asemenea, dispunem de 2 cabine de vopsire cu cuptor de uscare la 70° C și carusel automat cu o capacitate de 10t - Lungime și lățime admisibilă: 6000 x 3600. Vopsele utilizate: Primar, finisaj, poliuretan mono sau bi-component, epoxid bi-component, bază de apă, sistem anticoroziv EDF etc.

Produse pentru 2 component de epoxid (16)

Deco-Epoxi 3D 2 Componente

Deco-Epoxi 3D 2 Componente

Transparent epoxy coating of two components with high chemical and mechanical resistance for the protection and decoration of floors. Does not contain solvents (100% solids). Features High transparency. Excellent resistance to yellowing and water staining. Very good resistance to solvents, detergents, acids and diluted bases, gasoline, diesel, brake fluid and lubricating oils. High mechanical resistance. Antidust effect.
Sistem Complet de Poliuretan

Sistem Complet de Poliuretan

The full polyurethane system is a state-of-the-art athletics track surface made entirely of polyurethane materials. It is designed to create a seamless and high-performance track that caters to the needs of athletes, coaches, and facility managers. Key Features and Benefits: Superior Shock Absorption: One of the standout features of the full polyurethane system is its exceptional shock-absorbing properties. The track surface is engineered to reduce the impact on athletes’ joints, muscles, and ligaments, minimizing the risk of injuries during training and competitions. Optimal Traction: Athletes demand a track that offers excellent grip and traction, enabling them to maintain speed and control during sprints and other events. The full polyurethane system provides the perfect balance, ensuring athletes can perform at their best with confidence.
Straturi de panouri compozite

Straturi de panouri compozite

Composite Panel Layers Sheet Alloy - Condition:EN AW-3105 / H46 Aluminium Sheet Thickness:Top Sheet: 0,50mm (±0,02mm) Bottom Sheet: 0,50mm (±0,02mm) Composite Panel Total Thickness:4mm (±0,2mm) Filling:Depending On The Flammability Class - Thickness: 3mm Top Sheet Coating:Paint (20+5 micron) Bottom Sheet:Polyester Based Protective Paint
Decaparea criogenică a pieselor XXL - pentru îndepărtarea aderenței elastomerilor legată de producție - fără utilizarea substanțelor chimice

Decaparea criogenică a pieselor XXL - pentru îndepărtarea aderenței elastomerilor legată de producție - fără utilizarea substanțelor chimice

cryogenic decoating of big-sized parts Take advantage from our experience! We offer customized solutions for: ■ decoating of big-sized parts (e.g. vulcanized metal housings, tools, etc) ■ devices for metal shringking-work The individuel customized solution will be performed according to customer specification!
Acoperire în vid

Acoperire în vid

Die Beschichtungen zeichnen sich durch folgende Merkmale aus:- Dicken von einigen Nanometern bis zu mehreren Mikrometern- Härten von 1000 bis 4000 HV.
Vopsire în pulbere

Vopsire în pulbere

Beschichtbar sind Feinblech, Baustahl (auch verzinkt), Alu-Blech, Alu-Druckguss, Magnesiumguss, Glas und Kunsttsoff, in Abhängikeit von der Temperaturbeständigkeit. Pulverlacke sind lösungsmittelfrei und werden mit elektrostatischen Spritzpistolen aufgebracht und je nach Empfindlichkeit und Chemie der Pulverlacke und der zu beschichteten Teile werden sie zwischen 130 und 220°C ausgehärtet. Folgende Vorbehandlungen sind möglich: • Gelb - und Grünchromatierung • Zinkphosphatierung • chromfreie Konversation Vorteile • hochwertiger Korrosionsschutz • stark mechanisch belastbar • keine Umweltprobleme, da lösungsmittelfrei und Rückgewinnung des Oversprays • sehr gute chemische Beständigkeit • hohe Steinschlagfestigkeit • als Polyesterpulver sehr UV-beständig • dekorative Oberflächen in fast allen Farbtönen, Glanzgraden und Strukturen
Suport pentru plăci de beton

Suport pentru plăci de beton

Support for concrete slabs made by recycled antischock (HIPS) material. Using area: door and window support of construction. 120*80*3 mm to 120*80*16 mm plastic support:support for concrete slabs
Plăci de sticlă acrilică

Plăci de sticlă acrilică

Vopsele din Rășină Sintetică

Vopsele din Rășină Sintetică

Unsere Farbkonzentrate für Kunstharzanwendungen sind in allen RAL Farben für EP, UP, MMA und PUR erhältlich. Diese Pigmentmischungen sind hochkonzentriert und erlauben eine preisgünstige Einfärbung bei problemloser Handhabung. Das an der RAL-Farbskala orientierte Sortiment enthält fast alle RAL-Töne und ist für die Einfärbung von EP, UP, MMA und größtenteils für PUR geeignet. Anwendungsgebiete: Die Farben sind für alle üblichen Anwendungen dieser Harze geeignet, wie z. B. für Fußbodenbeschichtungen, für die Herstellung von Laminaten, Ummantelungen, Gießteilen und Polymerbeton. Dieses Farbsortiment ist bewusst auf reinen Pigmentmischungen aufgebaut, die kein – oftmals störendes – Bindemittel enthalten und dadurch auch sehr farbstark eingestellt werden können. Unsere Kunstharzfarben sind hochkonzentriert bei optimaler Pigment- volumeneinstellung und erlauben so günstigste Einfärbung bei problemloser Handhabung.
Prototipare - Imprimare 3D/Fabricare Aditivă - Modelare prin Depunere Fuzionată (cunoscut și sub numele de FFF)

Prototipare - Imprimare 3D/Fabricare Aditivă - Modelare prin Depunere Fuzionată (cunoscut și sub numele de FFF)

Das Bauteil entsteht durch schichtweises Auftragen des aufgeschmolzenen Kunststoffdrahtes (verschiedene Originalmaterialen), welches durch einen Extruder aufgetragen wird. Diese Bauteile wiederum sind stabil, nahezu verzugsfrei, dauerhaft masshaltig ohne zu schrumpfen und absorbieren nur gering Luftfeuchtigkeit und bleiben bei sich ändernden Umweltbedingungen formstabil. Die gefertigten Bauteile werden mit feinen Schichtlinien roh belassen oder auf Wunsch gefinished (z. B. lackiert). Nachteilig ist eine geringere Detailsauflösung die sich aus dem Extrudieren der Kunststofflayer ergibt (Schichtstärken 0.330, 0.254, 0.178, 0.127mm). Für glatte Sichtteile ist das Verfahren daher weniger gut geeignet. Die Festigkeit der Teile ist Z Richtung geringer und daher werden die Teile zur Krafteinwirkungsrichtung ausgerichtet. Stratasys | Fortus | Fortus 900 MC| Fortus 360 MC | F 370 |
Acoperiri CVD și PVD

Acoperiri CVD și PVD

I rivestimenti in PVD e CVD garantiscono un'ottima adesione al metallo duro ed una maggiore durata del prodotto. Essi possono essere applicati su richiesta del Cliente su trafile, spalle, sellette e blocchetti.
petrochimie - produse petrochimice

petrochimie - produse petrochimice

We supply: Polyethylene, Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms, Urea, Methanol "methyl alcohol", Polypropylene, in primary forms, Articles of plastics & other materials of HS39, nes. (With the necessary standards certificates and Laboratory specifications) Iran has a very favorable comparative advantage in international trade with its third oil reserves and second natural gas reserves. That is why the trade of petroleum products and petrochemical products is always profitable
Granule EPDM

Granule EPDM

PDM granül kauçuktan üretildiği için oldukça esnek bir maddedir. Bu nedenler her türlü şarta kolaylıkla ayak uydurabilir. Yazın güneşi ya da kışın soğuğu bu malzemeye hiçbir şekilde zarar veremez. Elastik olmasından dolayı darbelere karşı oldukça fazla dayanıklıdır. Elastik olması malzemenin her şekle girmesine de yardımcı olur. Yapısı gereği çok dayanıklı bir ürün olan EPDM granül, öyle hava şartlarına göre değişiklik göstermez. Her duruma dayanıklı olan bu malzemede esneme, genleşme, büzülme gibi olaylar asla yaşanmaz. Bu sayede yaz sıcağında ve kış soğuğunda kolaylıkla kullanılır. EPDM sonradan renklendirilen bir madde değildir. Boyama yöntemi kullanılmayan bu malzemede renk solması gibi bir durum asla yaşanmaz. Yıllarca renkleri bozulmadan kalabilir. Bu malzemede aklınıza gelebilecek her rengi kullanabilirsiniz. Geniş bir renk seçeneğine sahip olan EPDM granül size istediğiniz rengi seçme şansını verecektir.
Panou de Perete din Beton Ușor - Panou de Perete Gata Umplut cu EPS și Beton Ușor

Panou de Perete din Beton Ușor - Panou de Perete Gata Umplut cu EPS și Beton Ușor

MODSTEEL Ready-made wall panels are a newly invented wall block technique that is easy to use when building prefabricated homes as well as conducting interior space re-shaping in homes or workplaces. It can also be used in sheathing building walls in a safe and almost effortless manner. Our ready-made wall panels do not require lots of workmanship as it can be easily customized and cut into different shapes and sizes. Specifications The main components of the ready-made walls are gypsum board frames from each side that is then filled with expended polystyrene (EPS) a material that increases the insulation level of the wall. We also use a light cemented foam filling instead of traditional concrete in order to have better heat and sound insulation. The walls are totally fire proof even when exposed to direct fire which makes them a very safe choice for homes and places that include children, elderly and valuable material every panel weighs 350kg/m3.
Construcția de Măști, Unelte de Injectare

Construcția de Măști, Unelte de Injectare

Planung, Entwurf, präzise und effiziente Konstruktion von Spritzgießwerkzeugen über viele Jahre
Deco-Epoxi Aqua 2 Componente

Deco-Epoxi Aqua 2 Componente

Epoxy waterborne paint bicomponent cured with polyamide, for protection of floors of concrete, metal structures, etc.